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The Catholic #MeToo


You are viewing an archived site. 


I created this website to catch friends and family up to speed as news continued to break through September. It serves as a primer up to that point in the news cycle. 


Due to other research demands, namely the completion of my degree, I was not able to keep this log up-to-date beyond that. The site has been placed on hold and archived for that reason. It provides a good picture of the initial wave of reports and allegations, which have now swept tragically even further through the Church hierarchy. Major news on this issue continues to unfold on a weekly and even daily basis. I urge you to follow the cycle yourself through the myriad online news outlets I reference here that have been vigilant on this soul-scaring scandal.


It would be an understatement to say that the clergy sex abuse crisis of recent months has wounded the hearts of Catholics worldwide. The Body of Christ breaks under these sins. Such crimes cry out to heaven for justice.


However, many find themselves behind in the developments of what's occurred, due in part to a lack of secular press covering the topic.


This site does not pretend to be anything close to an exhaustive summary, nor original reporting; that is left to true news outlets, of which some have been heroic in their coverage of this. A hefty amount of context is required to understand current Catholic headlines. Juxta Crucem intends to provide that context to get the average layman up to speed and prepared to slide comfortably into following developments as they emerge.


This site  also does not touch upon the wide-ranging commentary these events have generated, which has included extensive looks at the 2002 Dallas Charter, the Church's ban on admitting candidates for ordination with "deep-seated homosexual tendencies," and on the personal records of many figures involved.


The opening lines of the ancient "Stabat Mater" sing thus:
Stabat mater dolorosa

Juxta crucem lacrimosa

"His Mother stood sorrowful
next to the cross, tearful."

This site takes its name and inspiration of Mary's example standing juxta crucem, by the Cross, not abandoning the betrayed Son of God.


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